Siddhartha was born in India in 2500 BC. His mother, Queen Maya, was returning home to give birth to her child. The journey was very long and the queen stopped at a great forest to rest.

The queen fell into an ecstatic trance as she entered the woods. A baby elephant appeared at Queen Maya’s side and blessed her trunk. Queen Maya was in the woods when suddenly her labor pains began. A tree that understood the moment leaned over Queen Maya to offer support and its branches. The child was born without any pain. He was conscious and open to all the possibilities. Siddhattha was the name of his father, King Suddhodana. It means he is good. A stranger arrived at his son’s reception. It was the revered hermit, Aseeta, an astrologer and hermit who no one has seen in many years. Aseeta informed his parents that he will be the world’s master. Queen Maya felt that her destiny would never be fulfilled. Queen Maya succumbed to a terminal illness a week later. Prince Siddhartha was born to Princess Yasodhara. She became an archer and horseman. Siddhartha had three palaces from the king, one each for winter, rainy and summer.

Siddhartha came across a strange song that was unfamiliar to him. The song was in a language which he had never seen before and he was unable to understand why it was there. Siddhartha questioned the princess about the song. She explained that it was from a faraway country and brought back memories of the beautiful things she saw in a country where she was a child. Siddhartha felt lost and longing to discover the rest of the world. Siddhartha was secretly aware that Siddhartha had made sure everything was ready for him before he arrived. Siddhartha suddenly saw something new, the old poor men. He followed them into the village to observe how others lived. Many were suffering from severe illness and were already dying. The ashes are then put in a container and tossed into the river. Siddhartha noticed that they were very similar to him. He inquired of his father as to why he had lied so much about suffering, sickness, poverty and old age. The King told him that he had lied because he loved him. Siddhartha says to his father that he wants the curse to be lifted. However, his father does not want this to happen.

Siddhartha woke up to find his wife and the newborn son. All fell asleep as a magical mist fell on them. Siddhartha meets the ascetics, those who have given up all their comforts and vow to never leave the forest. To fit in, the prince gave up his robes to make his hair look as an ascetic. A tree noticed the prince’s compassion as he walked through the woods and honored him by bowing in his honor.

Siddhartha and his disciples lived silently for six years. They were trying not only to conquer suffering but also to experience the same feelings as me. Siddhartha heard a musician from the past speaking to his student. These words spoke a great truth to Siddhartha, and he realized he had been on the wrong track all his life. Siddhartha was served rice by a girl from the village. This was his first taste of proper food in years. However, the ascetics felt betrayed when they saw Siddhartha bathing and eating as an ordinary person. He was not able to be followed or learned from the other men. He had discovered the middle path, which was the truth that he wanted to share with the world.


  • natashahill

    Natasha is an education blogger and mother of two. She is passionate about helping others achieve their educational goals and helping them stay connected to their loved ones. Natasha is a self-starter and loves taking on new challenges. She has a strong interest in self-defense, health and fitness, and loves to learn new things.