Genesis 24: 8 “But if the woman is not willing to follow you, then you will be free from this my oath; only don’t take my son back there.” Genesis 24:8 says, “But if you don’t want the woman to follow your example, then you can be free from this oath. But, do not take back my son there.”

Aristotle was the first person to create formal logic. Logical sillogisms are only a century old. Metaphysical meanings can be found in mathematics logic. Example: If the universe has 6,000 years of age, its diameter can’t be more than 6,000 lightyears. These metaphysical definitions cannot be trusted without proof. God can speak the truth and we will one day be held accountable. The account is also reasonable and logical and fully compatible with history and science. While the logic shown in this example does not force belief, it is still reasonable and logical. These two basic models of origin are evolution and creation. Either the natural processes of creation and evolution can explain the origin of the universe, or neither. To explain at most the basic characteristics of the cosmos’ origin, we need to resort to complete supernatural processes. Origins can be exhausted only by creation and evolution.

This is a sign that one model must be false if the other can be falsified. There is no alternative. Since evolution is explained by current processes, evolution must continue to occur. It is not possible to prove that evolution is taking place today. A star has never evolved from hydrogen, life has evolved from chemicals, man has evolved from an ape or any other form of evolution. True evolution has never been observed in action. No one even knows how or why it works. It would appear that evolution has been falsified in the current world, as no one has witnessed it. But this doesn’t prove that it didn’t.

Berry 3 occurred in the past. But, evolutionists should understand that this doesn’t mean it’s science. Since it isn’t observable, it cannot be scientific. Evolution must be believed. What about what happened in the past? The Past isn’t evidence of evolution. There is no evidence that any species of animal has evolved into a more complex version of itself in recorded history. All vertical changes are known to have gone in the other direction. In the 67 years of records being kept, an average of one species per day has been extinct. No new species however have evolved. The biosphere is destroyed, stars explode and meteorites collide, and all life eventually ends. This is according to historical observations, but no species has ever reached higher levels of complexity.

But what about prehistorical changes? We only have a few records of this period. They are likely to be found in the crustal sedimentary rocks, which contain millions of fossil remains from once-living creatures. The story of evolution and extinction is the main theme. Although many extinct species have been identified, there has never been a true transitional or incipient form of the animal in all of the fossils. There has never been a fossil with half the scales/half the feathers, half the legs/half the wings, half of a heart or eye, nor any other similar thing.

If evolution was true, then there would be millions of transitional types in these Berry 4 multiplied by billions fossils. In fact, every fossil should have transitional features. They don’t! However, they do not!

Time can be measured. It is speculative to think that one can measure something one cannot see. The Bible says that long-term events are within our heads: “He made everything suitable in its time.” He also has eternity in their hearts. However, man will never know the works God has done starting at the beginning and ending. Time is an abstract construct and not an object. (Ecclesiastes 3: 11).


  • natashahill

    Natasha is an education blogger and mother of two. She is passionate about helping others achieve their educational goals and helping them stay connected to their loved ones. Natasha is a self-starter and loves taking on new challenges. She has a strong interest in self-defense, health and fitness, and loves to learn new things.