Everyone asks the same question: “Does God Exist?” To be able to see God and have hope, you need to believe. These people are more realistic about physical facts than they are to spiritual truths. Gallup polls show that 8/10 Americans believe in Christ. This is almost all of America’s population. America has more religious altars and churches than any other country. The Bible provides physical evidence that God exists. Elijah was carried to heaven by Jacob in a Chariot. Jacob fought God for his blessings, and God finally blessed Jacob’s descendants with Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has lived proof of God’s existence for over 2000 years through His prophecies and miracles. The evidence of God’s existence and divinity is stronger today, as evidenced by His Creation and an order in the universe which doesn’t support the big bang theory. I wholeheartedly agree and support the belief that God exists within humanity and in the world.

The universe provides a logical framework for human existence. Big bang theory says that the universe was created from chaos. However, the world is far more complex than our imaginations. In the Bible, God created us. We, as humans, need to look within and see God. We don’t find the right things when we just look at the surrounding. The human-effect has caused the world to become chaotic. Because of this, people conclude that God cannot exist amid such chaos. The thesis question confirms that God is present in the world. We seek God’s help and forgiveness because we are born with the knowledge of God that can decide right from wrong. We all desire love. His son Jesus fulfilled our human need for it. We often use sex, money, and illegal drugs in order to fill the empty place inside. But only God can grant us eternal life by accepting His Son, the Lord and Almighty Sai. This argument proves God exists inside and as Jesus Christ. His miracles such as walking on water, calm storms, and rising from the dead were not scientific, but divine. Jesus, the Bible says, was able conquer death and ascend in broad daylight to Heaven. This fact is about Heaven’s existence. Christ’s life and death as well as his resurrection have had a profound impact on the world. This has changed people’s views about higher spiritual powers. Philosophy suggests that the universe is based on our ability to perceive His presence. It suggests that our existence is in a different dimension or plane than what we can understand. The existence of God and His creation could be revealed if we have a more profound and spiritual search. The Bible states that the Bible gives evidence of God’s existence, but that the Bible does not say that all people have the physical or sufficient evidence to prove it. The verse states that God can be found if people seek Him with their whole hearts. Naturally, we desire to know God and comprehend the facts surrounding his existence. It is possible to understand the intricate design of earth and its ability to sustain itself up until today by making certain statements. God presence can be seen in our planet’s complex design. Its gravity and size, which is able to hold the gases necessary for life, are just two examples. Why is it that planets such as Venus and Mars don’t provide life support for living creatures? Understanding Earth’s ability to sustain its atmosphere is a way to answer this question. Earth would have hydrogen if Jupiter were its size, but the planet has the proper mixture of gases for all life. The controlled temperature, which prevents freezing and heating from occurring, and its location in relation to the sun explain why the universe wasn’t created randomly (Big bang). God’s infinite love and care for humankind created Earth just for them and no other. Due to the earth’s 67,000 mph rotating speed, cooling and heating are possible daily. God’s existence has been largely associated with Jesus miracles. Jesus healed rare diseases, raised dead, multiplied food to feed thousands, commanded a storm, and walked on water. God can reveal Himself in unimaginable situations and circumstances, making it hard for others to believe that He is there. Good News Bible (John 14.11) portrays God as loving and gentle to all sinners, since we are flawed and centered. God sent man to be our deliverer from sin, demonstrating His agape care for us and all of creation. Jesus Christ’s death gave us a new life through faith. This is how God intervenes. God created man to know Him, to worship His greatness and to acknowledge His existence. This shows that God is truly present in our lives. God provides an explanation for certain abstract notions in order. He uses numbers (days of creation), formulae and natural laws (right/wrong/good/evil), mathematical properties and balance of procreation/death). God exists in all that we touch, see and feel. Since it is God’s true nature as God-of-order, His environment is part His presence. Another aspect that reveals God’s existence and realness is causation. It is an explanation of how all things came to be. The complexity of the universe is due to God’s design. Their scientific theory relies on the belief that God is not physically absent. Realizing that morality is a part of our everyday lives and defines our values, proves that God exists. This explanation explains the existence and importance of objectivity and morality. Draper & Paul (2017) claim that atheists, agnostics and theists believe God does not exist. God has shown us many times His existence and presence, but our eyes are not able to see beyond what we can see. The Bible is a precise documentation of divine truth that is based on past and future events. It explains God’s manifestation. The Bible gives insight into God’s goodness and why He created mankind. The universe is a physical demonstration of God’s existence. This evidence proves God exists. Romans 1: 20 (NKJ) explains the Bible’s inexplicable qualities, divine nature, as well as His eternal power. It is possible to understand the Bible deeper and better know God by understanding it. Jesus Christ is an image or representation of the invisible God. We do not have any biological or chemical explanations for how God manifests through nature and people. Science does not support the publication of an explanation for God’s existence. Love, happiness, and beauty can be measured in our hearts, not in a laboratory experiment. Philosophers argue that supernatural events can always be linked to God’s existence, thus implying that the belief in God’s actions is proofial propaganda. The evidentiary approach explains how any divine action is linked to God’s invisible existence. Although physical proof of God’s presence to believers is not available, it can still be a theory. Christianity is seen by philosophy as any religion that relies on supernatural powers and believes in a higher power but does not actually manifest. Priori adherence and acceptance of material explanation are two aspects philosophy uses to discredit God’s existence due to lack of material causes. The critical search of the ultimate truth requires that we accept that the universe is controlled by God. Open-minded people realize that Christianity can be seen as a religion. There is no way to measure the existence of God within Christianity. It’s essential to support the thesis by supporting the assertion that God exists. These astronomical conclusions show that the universe has a beginning. God is responsible for the creation of all of it. Natural laws of order govern the world. This begs the question: who or what set them up? This argument shows that the Big Bang was only a one-time event. The universe’s origin has many explainable aspects. Philosophers tend agree that the transcendental Law Giver creates the standard of moral objectivity, which is the plausible explanation for right from wrong in our world. This explanation is often based upon a scientific theory. However, if you look at the code carefully, you will see that everyone has a reason to think right or wrong. How did you get your conscience? These questions are clear evidence that God was at the beginning of all laws and actions (Clark and al., 2017). People of all races and cultures have experienced at least once a unique experience or manifestation which strongly shows God exists. These experiences can be mysterious phenomena, answered prayers and prophetic revelations. This proves that God exists within us and is solely responsible for the existence of the universe. Materialism is generally considered to be absolute. This excludes any divine concept of God’s’ existence. God was present at creation. Vilenkin & Alexander (2017) believe that scientific evidence was the cause for the existence and use of current philosophy to prove it. Gallup polls found that 89% believe God is real, according to 2016 Gallup polls. In 2018, 91% of Americans accepted that God exists. It begs the question: What beliefs do they hold? Is it their belief in God’s existence that they are rejecting? America’s third largest population doesn’t believe God exists. But they do believe that there is an higher power than God. According to a Pew Research Center poll, Americans who truly believe God is real understand that there is an all-loving, powerful god that can control everything. People who believe that supernatural/divine powers are not God’s understand the existence of an omnipresent, all-omniscient and benevolent deity with human affairs. A majority of American adults believe that God is real. This is due to the fact that God’s divinities have produced results and because Americans were raised in a stricter past than today’s youth. There are many beliefs about God and universal spirituality in America. Some believe they are deictic, others believe they are God. Wiccans are Wiccans that believe in two gendered entities (Goddess/God). Zoroastrians think in one god example: Mazda who created two spirits, Spenta Mainu & Angra Mainyu (Campbell & Joseph 2015. Americans believe in different higher powers, but some religions do not have biblical accounts and are therefore related to God. Judaism or Islam, for example, believe in God. However they have a different way of worship. Gallup polls showing that Agnostics (80%) and Atheists (89%) are both declining, compared to 2014 (89%), versus 2018 (88%). This is due to the fact that Americans are more animose than ever and have changed their cultures. Open criticism of nonbelievers is a sign of how spiritually-cultured America today. Modern philosophers are more interested in proving the existence of things that have already been proven. In the past, a default view of God’s existence was rejected in Europe and America. This was because God’s supernatural intelligence, the aspect that transcendental and creative power is what characterized His presence. Rene Descartes (1596-1650), believed that God the perfect is not capable of deceiving the world. This was based on the fact that all things exist. He also claims that God exists and the existence of the universe depends on him. The level of certainty in the proof of contemporary philosophers makes God’s existence more likely. Contrast the past philosophy which focused on the traditional scientific trends that were contrary to the belief that God exists. According to the biblical accounts about Creation, most people believe that God exists. It is important that philosophers understand why they don’t believe God exists. Atheists often undermine biblical evidence of God’s existence, which I strongly agree with. Coyne & Larry (2016) claim that science and religion can be contradicted by the multitude of ideologies. Each argument is based on a different basis. Due to the proliferation of theories and explanations, it is impossible to end the debate about God’s existence. It is clear that God exists and the thesis question “Does God exist?” proves this. The thesis question should be supported rather than the philosophy claims. This is because God’s existence can be seen spiritually by believers in the religion having the opportunity to reunite with their creator in Heaven. Although it may sound like a myth, God can reveal Himself only when our souls ascend from Hell after death. However, God can also manifest His divine spirit through people’s good deeds. Another reason God’s presence may be real is because science and philosophy can’t explain how spirituality and emotions grow. The evidence for the existence of God in psychology and its claims is not supported by philosophy. Our emotions and reasoning are the main factors in how we react to situations and events. God is real, because He can control these things through prayer and fasting. The fact psychology can explain human behavior is proof that God is real. The Creation story accounts in the Bible explain how the word view claims that God exists increases their credibility. Different views are held about the origins of the universe. Philosophers argue that the universe was created by science, not creation. Nearly half of the world’s population supports the thesis, compared to the 50% of nonreligious and atheists. There is overwhelming evidence to show that God does indeed exist. Most people believe that God is the one responsible for the existence and well-being of humanity. The world view population, spiritual growth, psychological explanations, and all other evidence support the existence God. It is important to realize that both biblical and philosophical views of God’s existence are based on assumptions. This concludes by answering the thesis question about God’s existence in and around us. This claim has overwhelming support, as God manifests Himself through Jesus Christ and nature. It is false to claim that philosophy attempts to deny the existence of the universe or materialism. Jesus Christ is an example of evidence that God is true through His earthly miracles, as well biblical verses. It is more plausible to believe that the universe was created not by chaos, but by a superior being. The universe is sustained by God through the greater power of God, as well as the spiritual manifestations of God within our lives. They believe that God exists to provide for all people. There are now many places and altars to worship for every religion. This shows that religious diversity is slowly growing. What people believe about higher and more powerful religious affiliations is not what determines their economic and social success, but rather their spiritual fulfillment. This evidence of God’s existence and His responsibility for the creation, order, and maintenance of the universe is not based on faith. Gallup and other scientific polls confirm that America’s believers are quite high due to increased church attendance and fellowships. Although there are many threats to God’s existence, such as demonic powers or satanic manifestations in the universe and other issues, all agree that God is real and will continue to exist.


  • natashahill

    Natasha is an education blogger and mother of two. She is passionate about helping others achieve their educational goals and helping them stay connected to their loved ones. Natasha is a self-starter and loves taking on new challenges. She has a strong interest in self-defense, health and fitness, and loves to learn new things.