Lao Tzu’s Wei-Wu-Wei, which is the idea of non-doing or non-striving, is one of his most famous teachings. This teaching can be interpreted in many ways. This means to remove any chance of interfering. Human interference is a very common phenomenon. This is because humans are constantly driven to control their daily lives. Humans have different expectations and desires about their future, making it difficult to refrain from interfering. Wei-Wu Wei is a challenging situation because humans are naturally curious and do not take things as they come. WeiWu-Wei’s experience is the opposite of what a normal human would do. WeiWu-Wei has a unique idea that helps to spot when human interference is occurring.

One example is to believe that some things cannot be achieved by making effort at their fullest. This idea doesn’t apply to writing essays or completing a project. However, it can be applied to concepts like happiness and appreciation. In some cases, happiness is sought by a person. While it may seem that every human should seek happiness, it isn’t always easy to do so. To achieve happiness, you must not seek it. Allow the things around you to make you happy. Let things flow naturally. Wei Wu-Wei, the idea behind natural action, is the idea that everything in life is meant for that. Lao Tzu does not believe that life is a pre-planned event. It speaks of the many misfortunes, difficulties, and mistakes that we face and how our lives are a story that was written before we were born. It makes it easier to deal with life and makes people feel less guilty. This leads to people believing that life is like a river flowing continuously and that everything happens. Lao Tzu refers to the reason that humans act unnaturally. This is consciousness. By becoming conscious, we are able to see what is going on in our lives. Our mistakes are made public, which leads to a flurry of attempts to correct them. Unnatural actions are caused by self-consciousness. Lao Tzu talks about eliminating consciousness in order to stop a person from acting contrary to his ideal life. Wei-Wu–Wei introduces a life without struggle. It makes life something that can’t be changed. It is common to attempt to reverse or fight against mistakes that have had major consequences. It’s a challenging act to row a boat in opposition to the flow of the river. This is the whole idea of Wei Wu Wei. Life flows naturally and we can only follow it if our mental structure is stable without conscious action. Our actions are spontaneous and we don’t have a plan. We lose track of the events around us because our minds are one with them. The concept of WeiWu-Wei cannot be and should not been compared with laziness. One cannot graduate from school without putting in the effort. Preparing for an interview is a must if one wants to apply for a job. Wei Wu Wei means to be in a state of mind that is perfectly in sync with the flow. We don’t need to suppress what is happening.

Many perspectives offer different ways to achieve a calm mental state. One method is to get into the flow. You can become one with everything that happens. You must focus intensely and avoid external noises and other factors that can adversely affect your thinking. Focus on the people and places that are healthy. These will enhance your ability to concentrate. Don’t let stress get in the way of your natural calmness. The city’s usual pollution, and the bustling streets, should be removed from your life. Learn to get rid of the noise in your mind if you find it too distracting. Attain ideal personal growth. You can learn to develop your mind on your own and not depend on anyone or any object. Doing things that will open your mind will help you reach Wei-Wu Wei.

Wei Wu Wei is complex. It’s not easy to attain. Although it is not something that you can achieve overnight, once you do, it will be blissful. Sometimes life is too complicated. But mistakes are not something you choose to make. They happen because it is inevitable. Wei-Wu–Wei stresses a calm and clear mind that allows us to accept the natural flow of life. This is our natural principle for avoiding stress and disturbances. Wei Wu-Wei can be used by humans to control the tides.


  • natashahill

    Natasha is an education blogger and mother of two. She is passionate about helping others achieve their educational goals and helping them stay connected to their loved ones. Natasha is a self-starter and loves taking on new challenges. She has a strong interest in self-defense, health and fitness, and loves to learn new things.