Me: Why are the Holy Land and Jerusalem so important?

Moses: The Bible is my people’s book. By adding stories and teachings by Jesus, the Bible expands on the Torah.

Jesus: The Torah is my people’s book. The Torah is made up of the first five books of the Old Testament, which Christians refer to as the Hebrew Bible. However, my people consider the Quran the most recent and accurate revelation. Muslims all over the world know and recite Quran Arabic.

Me: Which Holy Book is your Faith and How Does it Compare to Others?

Moses: The Torah is my holy text.

Jesus: The Bible is my holy text.

Muhammed says: The Quran is my holy text.

Me: How similar are your fundamental beliefs to those of other monotheistic religions?

Moses: I was called a prophet by God.

Jesus: Resurrection and Sabbath, Fasting, Monotheistic Spirituality, Soul, Commandments, Afterlife.

Muhammed says: I am a prophet for God.

Me: How is your basic belief system different from other monotheistic faiths, and how can it be?

Moses: I worship God as my major God. My place of worship is the church. My symbol is the Cross. Premises and Beliefs God cares for and loves his people. He holds them accountable to their sins. Jesus is God’s Messiah (Savior and Son God who died in our place for our sins) Heaven/Hell Purgatory. My Practices I follow God’s commandments.

Jesus: Yahweh is the major God of my life, my synagogue of worship, my symbol and my Clergy Rabbi, the star David. Premises and Beliefs Yahweh believes and loves his people. He holds them responsible for their sins, and makes sure they are right. My Practices I Observe this life, Be ethical and Follow Yahweh’s Commandments.

Muhammed: Allah is My Major God. Mosque is where I worship. Premises and beliefs Submit to Allah’s will, Allah loves and cares about His people, and holds them responsible for their sins/shortcomings. My Practices: 5 Pillars in Islam: Faith; Prayer; Fasting, Pilgrimage.

Me: What makes you so important in your religious faith? Moses: Some say that Judaism started with me. My people were led out of Egypt by me, the Exodus. They then arrived in the Holy Land. God gave me The Ten Commandments to share with My People, to show them how To Live.

Jesus: I was a teacher of the Ten Commandments. Some people thought that I was a threat and a danger to Roman rule. They took me into custody and crucified. My followers and disciples now call me Christians. They believe I was the promised Messiah and that my resurrection from the dead was possible.

Muhammed: In 610 CE, I started receiving revelations and instructed my people to worship one God. They were polytheists. My followers, the Muslims, continue following my teachings. Me: Your religions are based upon your descendance.

Moses: I am a descendant both Isaac and Ishmael. Both Jews as well as Christians see Isaac’s religion as their own. I’m both a founder of Judaism as well as Christianity.

Jesus: I am a descendant from Isaac and Ishmael. Christians and Jews see Isaac as the origin of their religion. I’m both a founder of Judaism as well as Christianity.

Muhammed: Islam was founded by me. Muslims of Arabic descent are descendants of Abraham’s other son Ishmael.


  • natashahill

    Natasha is an education blogger and mother of two. She is passionate about helping others achieve their educational goals and helping them stay connected to their loved ones. Natasha is a self-starter and loves taking on new challenges. She has a strong interest in self-defense, health and fitness, and loves to learn new things.