Table of Contents

An initial presentation

Origin, Structure, Goals

Ultimately, this is the end of the discussion.

Starting off,

I will be discussing “ISIS” in this project. It is a Salafi-jihadist militant group that was once unrecognized and used to be a proto-state. It follows a fundamentalist, Salafi doctrine Sunni Islam.

Nearly all of the people who were part of Al-Qeuda (2004) had been ex-members of this organization. They were combat veterans with more than 10 years of experience on the field. Leaders were Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. Also known as Ibrahim Al-badri or Abu douaa, Abu Ayman Al-Iraqi (in fact he is leading this fighter and also a Member of Military Council), Abu Ahmed Al-Alwani. Waleed Jassem Al-Alwani was also a member.

Pakistan: Jandullah, shahidulah shahid group, Tehrik-e-Khilafat.

Afghanistan: Salafi Taliban.

Libya: Ansar Al-Shariah.

Indonesia: Abu Bakar Bashir.

Nigeria: Boko Haram.

Uzbekistan Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan

Gamah Islamiyah is a religious movement in Egypt.

Philippines: Ansar Bait-ul-Maqdis.

Income sources:

Exortion and oil.

Kidnapping (many journalists were kidnapped or killed by this Organization).

Robbery: According to various estimates, between 900 million and 2 billion dollars were taken by gunmen working for the Central bank of Iraq in June 2014.

According to Russia’s Federal Drug Control Service, one million dollars is the annual income to transport heroin from Afghanistan into Europe. This Organization’s main targets are the United States and the Middle East. ISIS’s message to the U.S. was, “We are going to drown you all in blood.” Two ISIS militants entered the Charlie Hebdo building on 7 January 2015. They killed 11 people and inflicted 11 more injuries. Paris Attack:13/11/15: Terrorist attacked Paris. 130 people died, 368 were hurt, 80-90 suffered severe injuries. Seven terrorists were also killed in these actions.

The Paris Attack:

France is more involved in Africa to combat JIHAD.

France’s military intervention in Mali to combat Islamist militants.

France is more interventionist than the west power.

Syria is Sunni majority and has been ruled since 2000 by Bashar al-Assad. Syria was previously ruled from 1971 by Hafez al-Assad. Turkey had an opportunity to create a safe zone along the border of Syria and ISIS in 2011. In March 2013, the rebels took over Raqqa, Syria’s first provincial capital.

Iran backed Hezbollah are pro Assad

Russia continues to strike ISIS in North Syria.

Qatar and Saudi Arabia have a govt. Sunni militias are being funded by the Saudi and Qatar govts. to combat Assad. Because of the failure of the regime in Iraq, the U.S.A calls for Assad’s resignation.

US-backed rebels from Syria have also begun to advance on IS stronghold Raqqa (northern Syria) ISIS, IRAQ

IS was born out of AQI (an acronym for American-led invasion force) and was created by Sunni militants in 2003. It was a key player in the country’s sectarian conflict.

Sunnis make up 32-37% of the population, with Shia Arabs being majority (60-65%).

Paul Bremer’s De-Baathification idea and the dissolution of Iraqi Army gave ISIS new leaders who were ready to fight for their Jihad. All of them were Saddam Hussein’s aides.

Camp bucca, Camp nama & Camp cropper were home to more ISIS leaders than half. Maj. Gen. Douglas Stone of Iraqi prison command refers to the camps in his book Jihadi University.

The eastern half of Mosul has been liberated by the Iraqi Special Forces, and the army units are now moving into the western area.

According to Brig Gen Yahya Racool (a military spokesperson), the extremists currently control less than 12,000 miles (30,000sq. Iraq: 6.8% of Iraq’s total territory.

They want to convince Muslims that the West, particularly America, is at War with Islam. This is the main reason Jihadis were recruited.

Methods used for recruitment:



Social Networks

A study of internet searches and social media (including YouTube, Facebook, YouTube, Google and YouTube) revealed that people between 16 and 30 have a greater interest in the global terror outfit. He quickly spreads the message of ‘Kill all Hindus from India’ via social media.

Organizational Success

According to U.S. State Department 68 actors are involved in the contribution of military forces and resources.

The fighting strength in Syria and Iraq has fallen to between 12,000 and 15,000 fighters.

The organization lost approximately 60% of Iraq’s populated territory in 2017 and 30% of Syria’s populated territory in 2017.

ISIS is seeking foreign donations to help protect the oil-and-gas resources.

They are aiming to seize control over North Africa, the Indian Subcontinent and parts of Europe within the next five-years (2020). With an estimated population of between 2.8 million and 5.3 million, they control Iraq and Syria. Foundation of a new Islamic State Muslim should be governed by Sharia Laws in one Islamic State.

Strategy To Defeat Isis:

Start with Russia or the United States, then Iran or Saudi Arabia.

You can do more than just air strikes.

Support moderate opposition in Syria to end civil war.

Use the weak points of Islamic State.

Install a national security force in Iraq.

Turkey must be given a greater role

De-radicalization centers.

UN must play an important role.

ConclusionThe principal goals of the caliphate include expanding territory and conquering other countries. These threats aim to make Muslims believe in their religion and kill Westerners. ISIS is being stopped. ISIS continues to rise but is being greatly slowed. Abu Ayyub al-Masri founded ISIS. His main goal at the time (which is still the case today) was to create an Islamic Caliphate. They are dangerous, but can be stopped if they have the right care. I would prefer to see inhuman activities banned.


  • natashahill

    Natasha is an education blogger and mother of two. She is passionate about helping others achieve their educational goals and helping them stay connected to their loved ones. Natasha is a self-starter and loves taking on new challenges. She has a strong interest in self-defense, health and fitness, and loves to learn new things.